Sadly, Fynn pass away on May 23, 2019. She was surrounded by her loved ones and is buried in the "back 40" of the Torreano Estate. You will not be forgotten. You were our best and most loyal friend.

 My Last Picture

Hello, My name is Fynn. I am a chocolate Labrador Retriever. I was born February 26, 2003. I went to my new home April 16, 2003.

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Here are my first pictures.
Click the small pictures to see the large ones.

 My First Picture
 My First Picture
 My First Picture

Fynn Puppy Growth   
Week Weight
7 12 Lbs.
8 15 Lbs.
9 17 Lbs.
10 20 Lbs.
11 22 Lbs.
12 27 Lbs.
13 32 Lbs.
14 34 Lbs.
4 Months 42 Lbs.
7 Months 55 Lbs.
8 Months 62 Lbs.
1 Year Old 74 Lbs.


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